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Supporting our ability to thrive inside by connecting us to the natural world

  • It’s only natural.

    As humans, we have an innate desire to be close to nature. I guess you could say, it's human-nature. In New Zealand, we have some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes in our own backyard. But even with our proximity to beach and bush, we’re still feeling a disconnect.

    With soaring migration rates to urban areas in the developed world, we are becoming more distant from the natural environments we rely on. This disconnect contributes to stress-related illnesses like mental health disorders and cardiovascular disease.

  • Biophilia is the idea that our affection for plants and other life unites us with all living things. It makes sense, given that for most of our evolutionary history plants were crucial to our survival. We were adapted to live in “green” environments, yet the spaces we inhabit now are often far from it.

    Although “nature makes us better overall” may seem simple, there are hard facts giving this theory the green light. From European studies showing how office health complaints and Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) can be reduced with plants, to American research showing how “green” buildings increase productivity – it’s clear we need to nurture our nature. Additionally, universities on both sides of the Atlantic have found indoor plants can lower carbon dioxide levels and noise levels, clear harmful chemicals from our air and even reduce absenteeism.

  • It’s time to get some grounding.

    It’s not just the addition of a few plants that can make a difference either. Nature can show up in our spaces as finishes, edibles, vertical gardens, organic materials to replace synthetics and even organic patterns and colour palettes. When we choose to make our interiors more ‘green’, both our psychological and physiological wellbeing win.

    Consider these strategies:

    • Use high-performing natural materials where possible

    • Bring in textures, patterns and colours of nature to bring you closer to the natural environment when you’re indoors

    • When choosing artwork, consider strong pieces nature photography

    • If you’re building or renovating, add a water feature into the garden or pool area for a calming connection to nature that’s through sight and sound

    • Add high-performing plant species such as: rubber plants, Ficus trees, snake plants, English Ivy, bamboo palms, and peace lilies for both aesthetics and air purification

  • "What is biophilic design, and can it really make you happier and healthier?"

  • "Forget skyscrapers: nature inspires next generation of New York offices."

  • "Biophilic design: The architecture style putting nature first."

“Biophilia is the idea that our affection for plants and other life unites us with all living things”

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